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  • Kat Saul Releases New EP “Made in the 90's”: Streaming

  • Los Angeles-based alt-pop singer-songwriter Kat Saul released her sophomore EP “Made in the 90's” on November 10, 2020.

    The EP comprises of 5-track, including previously released singles, “I Love To Hate You”, “Monsters” and “Alright” as well as two brand new tracks, “X2” and “Cloud 9”.
    Produced by Max Weinik and Alex Koste. “'Made in the 90s' is me reflecting on who I am and what I've been through as I transition into adult life so that I can process how the past has made me who I am...because that's what art is right?,” Kat Saul said of the EP. “It was written over several years, in several different stages of life, and in several different cities. I live to perform and I write to get through the chaos of being human. I was made in the 90s, and this is what that sounds like to me.”
    Kat Saul explained track baby track for the EP.
  • “Alright”
    “To me, one of the scariest challenges of becoming a sort-of-grown-up is getting out of my comfort zone. When my anxiety and depression swoop in like this dark cloud over my head, it's easy to isolate myself from other people, closing off and taking shelter until the storm passes, but it never really does. And there comes a point where you have to decide whether to break down those walls or to let people inside them. It can be incredibly challenging, especially romantically… but when has easy ever been rewarding, you know? Love, risk and growth are what make life beautiful and worth living.”

    “When you're a little kid, you're afraid of things like Ghosts, Dracula, and Zombies. To be real I think I'm still afraid of Zombies, but in my experience growing up shifts your fears. Now instead of vampires and aliens, it's fear of failure, mental health issues, broken relationships, childhood trauma, and all the other shit that goes in a messed-up-baggage-cocktail. All that to say, it turns out real life is way more terrifying than the dark. I think we all wish we could go back to when our monsters lived under our beds.”

    “I Love To Hate You” (via thread)
    “I Love To Hate You” is about that break up. The way everything went down was a little bizarre to be honest. As the song says “If we caught it sooner then we'd still be friends, but with all you put me through now the truth is I love to hate you”. It's sad, because we used to be best friends, but now I can't stand this guy. I'm sure he feels the same way.”
  • source : Spotify
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